Productize Yourself: How I Made My First Dollar - Issue #51
It all started from tipping commission to growing an MVP turn to Productize Service “Yourself”. My goal is to learn and grow in the passion economy as a creator. One of those days you try to create something and you get stuck but you want to build something quickly and have fun. The main goal is to start and not get stuck, make money, make something fun & one of the most important valuable things will be learning the whole entire process! I made Makers Drink. This is my 🥭 + ☕ Story.
My goal is to learn to make money in the creator's economy as a maker.
Decided to reply to this tweet, wrote “my first dollar” as a draft on the blog on 19th Feb 2019 on Twitter.
Building a business model is hard and thinking of an idea can be difficult too for validation. No, I didn’t buy any domain for this project. I started using as most makers use it and I find it is very useful for tipping, so I connect my stripe account together with it. So I had the idea to build some tipping model around it. So I launched it on Twitter with this tweet.

So I collected some simple details like l domain, and using emoji.
Users cant DM me on Twitter for request orders. I use a PSD template to make this can drink. After that, they can upload this png file and it can be used on their personal site to decorate in a fun way how they also can use too to get tipping for any side-projects or commission-based work they do. This was fun to build so I launched it on Twitter, the tweet that got me the first few sales.
After I tweeted on Twitter, in just 15mins I made $50+ and look at the dashboard overview. I was so excited and I felt this was an awesome MVP + experimental stage that I could learn! I try to understand the digital tipping culture too. Got the money via stripe 5 days later in SGD$ currency into my bank. Look at the dashboard below for reference.
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