Livestream Production - Issue #21
Private livestreaming for staff at Mendaki in Singapore
So in recent discovery to produce better quality, it takes higher performance to do things consistently. It was challenging and i have to manage things very professionally yet with proper terms of service and dealing.
At the end of the day, no one is going to care about your work or whatsoever, they just expect everything to be perfect.
We are humans, we tend to make mistakes, even if you do tip-top work or superbly great service yet people will give you boring feedback and putting all the blame on you. One thing I learn about entrepreneurship is to learn how to let go especially when facing real deal situations like frustration, negativity, and anger. So learn to let go, keep calm, and don’t hold on to it because at the end of the day we know life is short and we want to have positive vibes around us and make us happy.
So dealing with technical issues is really challenging issues, is not that the system crashed our things are not working, sometimes you need to be really patient because some things take time and are not easy because you want to have the best of the best things to offer to people what you are capable for.
So it was a great experience for me and dealing with critical situations is it was really tough if you have no experience because at the end of the day we need to really know who we are dealing with and never expect anything much from people, we just deliver it on time and do what we do best. I’ve learned how to be patient when dealing with such negative feelings when is coming to me, all I’m asking for is that we respect each other and make things happen in a way that we could make this world a better place.
Originally published at on October 28, 2016.