10th Year Design Agency Business - Issue #53
New Logo: Euphorya - https://euphorya.co
This year is special for me as it marks the 10th year anniversary of my design agency business in the year 2021. The old logo was designed in 2005 when I’m freelancing and in 2011 I register the business started as a design agency.
I want to revamp my branding and website and create a better business model around it! The philosophy must change.
Changing the business description from agency to remote design studio. @fajarsiddiq been doing remote work for more then 10 over years. There is a different between running agency vs studio. Back in the days we offered so many full ranged services & now we focus on specific services subs contracts various elements of projects.
Started as a freelancer, one person shop business, then running agency with multiple people working on behalf & now studio, focusing more on niche, creative & limited.
I spend the whole night researching colors and also make shapes from http://magicpattern.design/ made by @jim.ux to get inspiration. Thanks to him & other founders i know online who help me with the feedback!
I spend the whole night researching colors and also make shapes from http://magicpattern.design/ to get inspiration.
My Case Studies: Meaning of my name Fajar Siddiq
Life is always now — blog.fajarsiddiq.com At times i do feel pathetic, mainly because of reality check. Reality check comes from your responsibilities like paying your bills & saving money for your finance, taking care of your health, keep improving your learning skills and knowledge.
Colour palette from the year 2011 till now. I also like purple and blue as they represent the meaning of my name. These are the colors I use for my business and then later I got to know about stripe.com in 2018. Then I found out they use purple and blue too! I’m like wow! I love these 2 colors as well and it looks beautiful on branding and I love stripe.com ever since.
Time to finalize the design! - left or right is better?
Letter: “E” - Euphorya - https://euphorya.co agency logo
I choose left and most feedback I get from other founders choose left.
Productize Service
To learn, unlearn & relearn i have to make things better. I have to work hard, work smart & work long. I have a huge portfolio list of projects done. I realised i should take a pause, focus on up-skilling & networking to prepare when the market changes.
I have to remove & reject clients, i had to make new company profile & pricing. Pivot a better business model on a monthly basis to grow recurring revenue to scale & focus on the niche.
Practice, practice, practice! I use my personal site @fajarsiddiq as a service, www.fajarsiddiq.com to build audience, get lucky by exposing my skills more & help other makers & founders in the community. I launched a productize service model for myself and learn to grow. I spend about 2 years doing this and it works well grow $10k over in transactions via stripe.com.
Now i will implement productized service model on Euphorya business which is a slow start in 2021-2022. I have fewer clients, but it helps me to scale better. Euphorya has partnered with a few remote work of freelancers, & companies in the US, Europe, Malaysia & Indonesia for better growth.
There is other business, community & initiatives projectd by @euphoryadesign (remote design studio), you can check out @ilmproductionsg (creator-based production) & @dementclothing (print-on-demand merch), everything is a work in progress!